An Easy Product Photography Set Up with Larry Becker
If you are looking to learn how to take simple and tasteful product shots, then this is the video for you! In the new short tutorial seen below, talented photographer Larry Becker put together five minutes of terrific "how-to" content to help you with simple product shots. It’s essentially a basic, easy-to-understand breakdown of the nuts and bolts involved in setting up an easy product photography set up.
The key here is the simplicity of the setup. It's not rocket science, but done right, it can yield a much better, higher end result compared to what most people get when they attempt to do a product shot. We're not talking about the complexity of commercial table top images, just simple product shots we all need from time to time. So, whether it's for something you're putting up on eBay or a product shot for your website, this video is worth checking out and taking notes.