Get Creative Right Where You Are! By Joe Pellicone
Words and Photos by Joe Pellicone
While most of us are staying at home, let's think about getting creative right where you are!
My son Stephen decided he wanted to build this giant Star Wars STAR DESTROYER Lego set. When he was done, he placed it on our dining room table and I broke out my camera and Litra Lights! These images were simple to create using my Sony A7-3 with a 12-24mm lens, Platypod Ultra, two LitraPro Lights with red and blue color filters, and a black foam board to help control the background.
Settings were simple: Aperture Priority at F22, ISO 100. While the shutter stayed open during the long exposure of about 30 seconds, we painted the Star Destroyer with the LitraPro lights. One with red and the other with blue Filters. Post processing was done in Lightroom and Photoshop. Some images were enhanced with artificial stars, flames and the Death Star, which were available online.
I hope this small project will inspire all of you to do something creative at home with your photo gear!
If you need some Litra’s to help with your creativity you can use this link to get 15% off here.

If you like what you see, please follow me on Instagram!
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All Images © Joe Pellicone, Images may be shared on social media with credit. For information about Prints or Commercial use of these images, please message me or email