September 11th Memorial Lights with Joe Pellicone
Text and Photos by Joe Pellicone
I went into NYC and NJ for the 911 Memorial lights a few days ago and I wanted to share some of the images. I worked in the Twin Towers for a while and I lost 37 coworkers on that day, so its a pretty sad and emotional day for me.
Because of this, I try to go each year to document the lights. Once again the Platypod came in handy. I was with two other photographers and while no one approached me with my Platypod, they were both asked to put their tripods away.
The images below are from the Ground Zero area. All are long exposures with the camera set to Aperture priority at f11 to f22 at 100 ISO.

If you like what you see please follow Joe on Instagram!
All Right Reserved. All Images © Joe Pellicone