Testing the Platypod eXtreme for the lowest angles

Word by Jesse Feyereisen 
Edited by Eryka Bagwell

I remember that during the presentation of the eXtreme, Larry mentioned a technique to flip a Platypod upside-down and use a D-ring to mount your camera to to the underside for an extremely low angle. I had to try that! The next morning I set out to the park before the conference started and tried it out for a few shots. I love it! It allows me to get even lower to the ground to make figures and models appear larger than they really are!

I recently completed building and painting this little Star Wars AT-ST model kit (about 7" tall) and couldn’t wait to take it out for a shoot! After a bit of sleet this morning I drove down to the park and found a perfect spot were the city recently did some brush clearing along the trail. It looked like the perfect “battlefield” for this model. Got down on the ground with my trusty Platypod and took some shots. In Photoshop I added the blaster fire and added a bit of motion blur to one of the legs in an attempt to give the image a bit of movement. Color graded and cropped in Lightroom.

Be sure to view more of Jesse Feyereisen's work on his website and also visit our website to pre-order your Platypod eXtreme today while supplies last.