The Prize with Jesse Feyereisen

Words by Jesse Feyereisen
Edited by Eryka Bagwell



The Prize

For this photo experiment, again I was asked to use an ordinary household item as part of the shot. Having just moved, (half of my stuff being in storage, or moving boxes) created an extra challenge. Turns out grilling trays look a lot like some sort of small scale industrial floor grates. It reminded me of the scene where Han Solo is captured and put into carbonate in The Empire Strikes Back. I figured I could make something work!

I wanted to light the floor from below like in the movie so I raised it up by placing it on four small cans of model spray paint and placed a Lume Cube RGB LED panel set to and orange color under it facing up. I placed a second RGB LED panel behind the scene set to blue and pointed it at a piece of black foam core to get a nice rich, blue background. I added two more Lume Cubes on Platypods and goosenecks. One in front as a key light and one in the back with a as a sort of kicker light, both with warm filters and barn doors attached. Spayed some Atmosphere Aerosol to create some haze and fired off some shots.


In post, I started with basic color correction in Lightroom, followed up using Photoshop to add control panel lights, some shot cleanup, and figure joint removal. Finished up back in Lightroom with some color grading and final crop.

Canon EOS-R + Tamron 90mm
1/15sec, f/5.6, ISO 1600

Website:    |   Instagram: @jessefeyereisen