Watson Lake in Prescott Arizona with Bob Coates

Words and images by Bob Coates
Being on location long before the sun is up is aided by camping on-site. I’ve outfitted my RAV 4 for boon docking with an interior shelf, cookstove, cot and sleeping bag. Staying at a campground at Watson Lake in Prescott, Arizona, I awoke at 4 am and made my way down to the water. I clipped the Platypod to my camera pouch so I could have a second tripod without adding much weight to my kit.

The behind-the-scenes image:

I set up the Platypod with a camera to capture time lapse images of the sun rising. In addition to creating a video, I was able to pull still frames to create this image. In the meantime I worked with my other camera and tripod, making additional images of the surrounding area and wildlife. Check out the final image below.

Final image:

To see more of Bob’s work, head over to his blog at www.successful-photographer.com